Blond abbey beer

Blond abbey beer

Maredsous Blonde is a clear and golden coloured beer with a thick, white head. The bouquet is honey, slightly smokey in the nose and with a subtle note of caramel. The beer has a touch of bitterness and a clear gently-hopped nish. This ends with a perfectly balanced aftertaste.

Dark abbey beer

Dark abbey beer

Maredsous Brune is a beautiful red-brown coloured beer with a light-brown, thick head. The bouquet is caramel, immediately followed by a sophisticated roasted aroma with hints of mocha. The beer is very smooth, with the alcohol present but not too strong.

Strong amber abbey beer

Strong amber abbey beer

Maredsous Triple is an amber coloured beer with a creamy, white head. The bouquet is a complex combination of fresh fruit, alcohol, raisin and other dried fruit, nished with a note of caramel, which is slightly reminiscent of a sweet syrup. The alcohol in the aftertaste provides a pleasant warming sensation

White abbey beer

White abbey beer

Maredsous Extra is an infused beer, harmonious in flavour with a nice balance between bitter and hoppy notes, slight spiciness in the nose...

Discover this unique beer, brewed for the community of Maredsous and only available on tap at the Abbey site.
